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Originally founded as the Institute for Liberal Education of Charles University in , the Faculty of Humanities is the youngest Faculty under esteemed Charles University and as such it offers unique study programs and opportunities. Charles University Faculty of Law. Charles University Hussite Theological Faculty. The Faculty prepares students for academic work, ministerial service and various professions in education, culture, social services, state administration or politics as well as services abroad. Charles University Protestant Theological Faculty. Before the First World War, there had been many restrictions on Protestants in the Czech lands which were part of Catholic Austria at the time and candidates for the ministry had to go to Vienna to study.
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy. Charles University Faculty of Science. It provides education in biology, chemistry, geology and geography. Charles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. The programs have been offered to Czech students for years with great success. Now they are open to international students, too. Its graduates include many influential filmmakers and scriptwriters, many known within an international context, Oscar winners and laureates of international film festivals.
Business Institut EDU. Tomas Bata University. Enterprising as well as inspiring to run an enterprise. Ambis University. Founded in as the very first private college institution, we have since prepared more than Our aim is for graduates to understand and apply a holistic approach an approach that looks at a person as a whole and thus ensures that both the body and the soul receive support.
The harmonious combination of these perspectives offers opportunities to train professionals who can perform their profession as a mission.
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This constitutes a great advantage for the Faculty in the current world — people educated in this way will always be needed in the workplace. The Faculty is an educational institution that is distinctively focused on the health and social care field. It carries out creative activities in the sphere of application, in the frame of specific projects, and direct clinical and fieldwork with people who are disadvantaged both health-wise and socially. It develops scientific and research activities and international cooperation with important institutions and professional centers.
Ческе Будейовице. University of Veterinary Sciences. The VFU Brno is the only university in the Czech Republic specializing in veterinary medicine, veterinary hygiene, and ecology, and just one of two teaching pharmaceutical science. Start up your career in electrical engineering - the whole world runs on electricity and can never do without electrical engineers! Faculty of Electrical Engineering is a part of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, which was established in as a successor to the original Technical University with a tradition dating back to They will gain professional and practical skills, managerial and critical thinking.
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Prague Film Institute. While studying at PFI, the only school that offers direct connections with industry professionals, students have created a number of exceptional student films and cooperated on many professional film projects. Прага 5.
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European Summer School. University of South Bohemia — Faculty of Science. FS offers undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate study in an array of biological disciplines, and since has extended to include several other fields of science chemistry, physics, mathematics, informatics. European Centre for Career Education. Our goal is to educate young and talented students about how the professional world really works.
European Institute of Applied Science and Management. Attests to its reputation as a first-rate educational institution. Located in the center of Prague. Brno University of Technology. Professor Stoklasa, a leading figure in agricultural sciences at that time was appointed as the first Dean. These traditional core values have been continually updated to reflect current state-of-the-art technologies and the ever-evolving needs of the industry.

VSB-TUO has strong links to industry and thrives on applied research, in cooperation with companies and institutions worldwide, in finding innovative solutions to modern-day issues. To train new work forces for art industry, and to train teacher forces for the purposes of education on the fields of arts and crafts and for the purposes of teaching drawing at high schools" was the aim of the School of Decorative Arts declared by the Founding Charter.
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In spite of the fact that it was not a university, it did not fit the contemporary system of secondary education: it was subordinate directly to the Ministry of Culture and Education and from its beginnings promoted the tolerant and creative approach of its teachers and professors. Anglo-American University. We pride ourselves on providing a personalized and distinctive university education in the English language. Utilizing the best from American and British academic traditions, AAU educates future leaders and global citizens in a multicultural setting of students and faculty from over 60 different countries.
On the 3rd April , the non-profit organization was founded, and, after a two-year-long effort The College of European and Regional Studies was established after the decision of The Accreditation Commission of the Czech Republic. Карел Энглис Колледж.