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Anand and Kramnik are neck and neck in the rapid tournament half a point clear of Leko.
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Kramnik is a point clear of Morozevich and Leko in the combined standings. Anand would have been up there too but for a whitewash by Morozevich in round 7.

Alexander Grischuk took first on tie-break from Sergei Rublevsky in the 5th Karpov tournament. The organisers hope this category 18 event will be even stronger next year. It is sponsored by creator of the event Mr. Prize-fund is Euro , Every day the grandmasters play one Rapid game and one Blindfold game, of around one hour per game. The Blindfold games they play on a computer.
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For the players only an empty chess board is visible on the screen. With the mouse or the keyboard they can make a move, which will then appear on the screens of both players.
After they have confirmed their move, the players see the move disappear and the clock of the opponent starts running. Various monitors in the playing room show the course of the game, which is perfectly visible for the arbiter and the audience, but not for the grandmasters. Free days: 24 March and 29 March. Play takes place 1. The 5th Karpov Tournament took place in Poikovsky 17thth of March Poikovsky is a village Poikovsky in the Nefteyugansky region, the west of Siberia.
This year the average rating of the participants was category XVIII , and the organisers promise that next year the event will be stronger. Grischuk started fast with three wins in the first four rounds. He then drew the next four including what looked like a missed chance against Joel Lautier in round 7. Games from round 9 played on the final day are missing. News Eugeny Atarov. Former candidate Bent Larsen competes. Before the Reykjavik Rapid the seedings were determined by a blitz tournament on the 17th March The Dutch Championships take place June 28th - July 10th The lineup has been settled after the conclusion of the Dutch Championship semi-finals.
My thanks to Koos Stolk. The Belgian Teams have concluded. Boitsfort along with Hoboken were relegated. The event is a 12 round Swiss. The Peruvian Championships took place in Lima 5thth March A player has to lose two mini-matches to be eliminated. The winner was Carlomagno Oblitas who actually lost as early as the third round before completing the rest of the event undefeated. The 12th and 13th rounds of the German Schachbundesliga took place over the weekend of 27thth March Julio Granda Zuniga tied up first place with one round to go.
I repeat the round one games as I misnamed Eduardo Arancibia in the file last week. News: Laszlo Nagy. The 13th edition of the weekender in Zwolle, the Netherlands, was won by Dutch grandmaster Friso Nijboer. Because of his superior WP tie-break score Nijboer was declared the winner of the tournament.
The tournament was entertaining from start till end. It was generally thought that after this defeat Georgiev was down and out for a good result. In the final round after a long and exciting battle Vladimir Georgiev was able to beat Kazhgaleyev, thus gaining co-leadership. This outcome allowed Nijboer to win the tournament.
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The event was sponsored by Barry Martin and Henry Mutkin. This was the second match between the teams, and there is the hope the match will become an annual tradition. Oxford had luck on their side and managed to defend the trophy by winning The Championships of Vietnam takes place 12thrd March There was an 11 round Swiss and there were playoffs for the final positions. News Haroonor Rashid. Special conditions for limited no. Note: Organizers needs only one invited player from each country. Last day for registering is 24 April E-mail is ecf idsc.
The entry deadline is April 8th. This is the first of many the ACP hope to organise and they expect a massive participation as they hope to promote the ACP and attract sponsors for over-the-board tournaments. One of the huge reference gaps in online chess literature is a list of games and results from the Olympiads. There is a new site which is designed to fill that gap. The open has 9 rounds and the 2 subsidiary events 7, the latter starting on the 27th.
A number of very strong grandmasters are likely to compete as in previous years. Male players have to be at least 60 on 1 January and female players at least Further details on both events Stewartreuben aol. North Sea Cup, Esbjerg, Denmark. The organizers have always felt indebted to the participants of the amateur section who year after year have made the NSC a little chess festival.
So now any chess devotee is offered the at least theoretical possibility of facing even a GM - the NSC transforms at least for one year into the Open format. The first 4 GMs who sign up will be offered free accommodation. Last entry June More info: Brian Isaksen brisak esenet. It is anticipated that six GMs and ten IMs will participate in the event.
This event features a luxurious venue, strong international competitors, and excellent prize money. Titled players will be required to occasionally attend after-game press conferences to provide commentary and analysis. This offer is limited and will be extended on a first come, first served basis. Please contact Gary Bekker, gbekker mira. Voting seems to be via E-Mail. Moves so far: Zhukova vs. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 d6 6. Bg5 e6 7. Qd2 a6 8. Nxc6 Bxc6 Ne2 Nd4 Rc8 Be3 Qc7 Dortmund has changed its format to that used by the event when it acted as a Candidates tournament in There will be preliminary groups followed by semifinal and final matches.
It is anticipated that several GMs and IMs will take part. Further info: Mark Hogarth mark. The Pobeskydi tournament takes place 8thth April Техника стоит дороже, чем в России, если переводить в рубли из-за таможенных пошлин. В целом многие знакомые айтишники переехали с ухудшением зарплаты, только чтоб жить в Европе и быть социально защищённым.
Тут нет таких зарплат в ит как в Москве или питере. В итоге в Москве за этот первоначальный взнос можно купить квартиру где-нибудь в Химках или Балашихе довольно недалеко от метро. Еще я молчу про ипотеку. К тому же я говорю не только про покупку, но и аренду. Хрен где ты в Москве снимешь однушку за 25 тысяч.
Если только в кронах. В Москве за эти деньги можно норм однушку снимать в пределах третьего транспортного или даже садового. Опять таки, в Москве я могу просить гораздо выше зп, чем в Брне. Ну это если с личной охраной в апартаментах :. Приятель только недавно взял квартиру за столько в Брне.
Коллега сейчас тоже ищет квартиру и цены примерно такие. Ну и Брно не тот город, чтоб его цены на недвижимость были сравнимы с Москвой. Да нихуя тут зарплаты не сравнимы. Ок, я айтишник и для меня зп в Москве-от к. Откуда такие тут зарплаты блин. Слушай, тогда я тебе не открою секрет, что за 1кк в Брне - это жесть как много. В Праге 1кк за 12 тысяч с поплатками можно спокойно отцепить.
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Таких цен уже давно нет. Поэтому нет таких цен. Где-то в жопе, где от райской захрады ехать на на автобусе 15 минут ещё может быть. Но надо прям сильно постараться, чтобы найти такую цену, и ещё чтобы там ещё кроме соли и туалетной бумаги что-то из мебели было. Это средняя цена за квартиру ближе к центру в Брне. Я много объявлений смотрел, когда искал квартиру. Сколько население в Плзени?